Vivian F. Montoya
Vivián Fermin Montoya was a native from the San Luis Valley, Manassa, Colorado area. He lived in the Lobatos or Cenicero area as a child, working his father’s farm and helping with the livestock. He attended Adams State College (now University) as a young man receiving his B.A. and M.A. degrees there in 1970 and 1973. His area of expertise is Math-Education. He taught school in the Colorado Springs area for 35 years and retired from School District 11. He taught for an additional six years in Las Vegas Clark County Schools, retiring after 41 years of teaching. He married Anselma Montoya, with whom he had three sons and four grandsons and a granddaughter. Active in his Catholic faith, he served as Grand Knight for the Knights of Columbus in Colorado Springs. He was also active as a wrestling, basketball, and table tennis coach for seventeen years while teaching. He enjoyed football; especially at the NFL level (The Denver Broncos were his favorite team). You can tell from his writing that he was a family oriented man and was extremely close to all his sons and grandchildren. He wrote this book to give them a sense of who they are and have their records on paper for all to see. It took but a spark to ignite the energy to start this project and a great deal of research to complete this book. His love for his wife led to the title of this book. Tragically, he died suddenly on the morning of November 6, 2012 and never got to see his dream in a published form. This book is his legacy to all of his family. He will forever be remembered as a great man who touched the lives of many.