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Kristopher Garcia-Simms

Kristopher Garcia-Simms is a Denver based author, film producer and screenwriter. He was born in Pueblo, Colorado, once the steel capitol of the West and home of the slopper (a cheeseburger smothered in green chili for those that don’t know). After receiving a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy from Colorado State University, he attended the University of Arizona where he was a Knowledge River Scholar- a Library Science cohort that advances information issues impacting Latino and Native American communities. During his graduate assistantship at the University of Arizona Libraries – Special Collections, he came across a hoard of old screenplays. They were mostly John Ford Westerns shot in Mesa, Arizona. Kris was captivated by the power and form of the film script and went on to study screenwriting, film history, theory and research. After receiving his master’s degree, he returned to Colorado to make movies in some of the most picturesque places in the nation. He wrote and produced the independent film Alien Valley (2015), distributed by Self Destruct Films and available on Amazon Prime Video. In 2019, he wrote Red Moon Night, an illustrated horror novella that was recently published. And in July of 2020, his screenplay, Vessel, was a finalist in the Stage 32: Microbudget Horror Script competition. In addition to his passion for television and film, Kristopher is an avid Pickleball player and loves taking his Goldendoodle, Obi, for hikes with his fiancé, Carla.


Kristopher Garcia-Simms
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